Who are we?

GRAIN stands for Gender and Responsible Artificial Intelligence Network. GRAIN is a consortium made up of the think tanks IPAR (Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale) and CSEA (Centre for the Study of the Economy in Africa), and the non-governmental organisation Sunbird AI.

What does GRAIN mean?

GRAIN stands for Gender and Responsible AI Network. Gender and other exclusionary factors linked to the sub-Saharan African context are at the heart of our concerns. We act with a focus on intersectionality and responsible AI policy.

What is it?


Why is this?

Addressing the many gaps in AI and gender in sub-Saharan Africa. There is little or no disaggregated data on gender in general, and this lack is even more glaring in sub-Saharan Africa. There is a disparity between data on gender and Artificial Intelligence. This results in a biased assessment of society's needs...

How do we do it?

GRAIN aims to create a new means of collaboration and partnership between universities and institutions interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or gender issues. ...

How to

The GRAIN network

G*RAIN brings together organisations, universities and hubs based in sub-Saharan Africa who are either already active or interested in becoming active in the field of AI and/or gender inclusion. The aim is to'learn, share, advocate and propose solutions to the cross-cutting issues of AI, gender equality and development. development. We establish a link between the development of artificial intelligence and gender equality. and gender equality. Our field of action is sub-Saharan Africa, with a medium-term focus on gender and inclusion, and a longer-term focus on equality and gender. and gender.

How can I become a member?

Member contributions

Optional activities for members

How to join us