AfricAI Conference 12-14 June 2023

IPAR delegation at the AfricAI conference in Kigali

The IPAR Think Tank will be represented at the AfricAI conference (12-14 June 2023) by a strong delegation comprising Dr Laure Tall, the institution's Research Director, Tabara Korka Ndiaye, GRAIN project coordinator, and Cheikh Faye, DUA project coordinator. They will take part in and lead the following activities

  1. Panel: Policy challenges of AI in Africa - Boosting the commitment of African decision-makers: In order to put Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Africa back at the heart of discussions on cross-cutting development issues, and to support a political change, the involvement and commitment of decision-makers must be supported by highlighting the importance of AI in everyday life and the issues linked to this theme.
  2. Mapping the landscape of networks for responsible AI and gender equality in sub-Saharan Africa:  The Grain network will hold an interactive workshop on mapping the landscape of networks for responsible AI and gender equality in sub-Saharan Africa. At this meeting, participants will share their current networking activities and connections related to responsible AI and gender equality in sub-Saharan Africa; identify challenges and restrictions, and collaboratively map the networking and sharing landscape. The workshop will conclude with the joint identification of three next steps to improve sharing within the African Responsible AI space.
  3. Panel: Sub-regional and continental dynamics: What are the challenges for responsible AI in Africa? This panel will provide an opportunity to discuss a number of French-speaking countries in West Africa, with a focus on initiatives undertaken to address the issues, challenges and processes underway to develop a strategy for responsible AI development.


The event is ongoing.
